Mariela Deleon

Church Administrator

Mariela Deleon

Mariela Deleon

Church Administrator

I was born in Mexico and moved to Florida when I was just 4 years old. I am Mexican-American through and through, combining both culture and tradition to form who I am as an individual. I married my high school sweetheart in 2013 right after he joined the Navy. We have been fortunate enough to move across the country with our 3 kids and have found the hand of God moving in amazing ways during our stays at each duty station. This lifestyle can be challenging but can also be very rewarding with the right mindset.

My interest in ministry came through the love of Jesus Christ in my life. When you hear that the love of Jesus goes beyond your wildest imagination, trust me, it is true. My life is a testament to His love and I l strive to help people experience His life-changing love. As a mom of 3, I barely have free time, but when I do I love reading! Creating crafts is a close runner-up but give me a cozy blanket with a nice long book any day and I'll be thrilled.


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